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Millions of people are negatively impacted by decisions by consular officers. Who will hold them accountable?

Each year, consular officers with highly variable degrees of experience make decisions that forever alter the course of millions of lives. Though decisions are commonly erroneous and arbitrary, the executive branch asserts that the consular process is exempt from the basic constitutional protections that apply in all other areas of law. Too often, interviews at consulates are treated as interrogations where the suspect has no Miranda rights.

Accountability in the consular process is critical to protect the rights of mixed-status families and prevent executive branch abuse. The Consular Accountability Project advises individuals going through the consular process, provides assistance and representation to those impacted by wrongful visa denials, and brings targeted federal litigation to hold the executive branch accountable. CAP harnesses the knowledge and experience of constitutional lawyers, legal historians, former consular officers and victims of wrongful denials to educate impacted parties of their rights and to inform practitioners and the public about the urgent need for accountability in the consular process. 

Our services 

Whether you are an attorney or a visa applicant, CAP fights for you at each stage of the consular process



CAP helps prepare individuals going through the consular process, advising them of best practices for preventing abuse at the consular interview stage.



CAP provides and coordinates legal representation for individuals whose visas have been denied and who are seeking to overturn wrongful denials at the agency level.


Strategic Litigation

Where the State Department fails to correct wrongful denials at the agency level, CAP coordinates federal litigation to protect the rights of all impacted parties.

Our team

CAP harnesses the knowledge and experience of litigators, constitutional scholars, historians and former consular officers to support your case. 

Coordinating among experts and immigration advocates

The government has tremendous resources at its disposal. CAP coordinates between national experts to bring their knowledge and experience to bear in each case.

Meet our directors and advisory committee →



Every visa applicant we help begins with you. Your support allows us to provide advise and representation to families and parties who lack the knowledge and resources to fight the government on their own.

The history of "consular nonreviewability"

How did consular officers acquire so much power over life-changing decisions? Learn how the consular interview emerged as part of the immigration system and read about those who fought for consular accountability in the past.

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