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Help make the State Department accountable for its visa decisions

Research by shows there are roughly one million families who have been impacted by visa denials. Each impacted family, attorney and business deserves representation and legal support as they navigate the consular process.


Donate today to help the Consular Accountability Project accomplish its goal of providing support to impacted parties and bringing accountability to the consular process.

What Your Gift Does…

Educating the public and impacted families

CAP produces and disseminates information for individuals going through the consular process, advising them of their rights and best practices for preventing abuse before, during and after the consular interview

Fixing wrongful denials at the agency level

CAP provides and coordinates legal representation on a low-bono or pro-bono basis for individuals whose visas have been denied and who are seeking to overturn wrongful denials through the regulatory framework, including by partnering with local counsel to help prevent common mistakes.

Helping immigrant advocates coordinate

CAP’s advisory committee brings together experts from various fields to ensure a higher level of coordination among immigrant advocates regarding the consular process.

Media advocacy

CAP uses communication strategies to move public opinion in support of recognizing the application of the U.S. Constitution to matters involving admission and consular affairs.

Helping attorneys protect their clients

CAP provides legal education to practitioners about the doctrine and tools for zealously representing clients in the consular process, focusing on wrongful inadmissibility findings.

Engaging in strategic litigation

CAP plans and coordinate federal litigation aimed at challenging the doctrine of consular non-reviewability and otherwise fighting to apply the U.S. Constitution to all admissibility decisions and consular affairs.